Team & Partners


The essence of Global Dialogues is broad-based, multidisciplinary partnership. Since 1997, the project has focused on generating, maintaining and continually expanding an international network of singularly committed partners and on fostering synergies between them. Young people, and in particular those who are most vulnerable, form the heart of the Global Dialogues team. They are supported by leading specialists in a wide variety of interrelated fields, including:

  • Global public health
  • Empathy & compassion studies
  • Youth voice; social mobilization
  • Social change media; ICT4D
  • Narrative inquiry and analysis
  • Local and global activism
  • HIV/AIDS; sexual health and rights
  • Nonviolence; safeguarding children
  • Diversity and related human rights
  • Cinema and theatre
  • Anthropology, sociology, psychology
  • Languages

To learn more about the people behind the project, please watch our 8-minute Presentation Film. And please follow us on Facebook, where we proudly introduce members of the Global Dialogues family. That family, constantly growing, is far too big for us to be able to acknowledge everyone fully and equitably on this page.

Launched in 1997, Global Dialogues is a project of the Atlanta-based 501(c)(3) public charity Global Dialogues, Inc. Representation, expansion and international coordination of Global Dialogues, as well as fundraising/resource mobilization for the project, are the exclusive prerogative of Global Dialogues, Inc.

The Global Dialogues Trust wishes to thank the following for their generous financial or in-kind support:

The Global Dialogues Trust wishes to thank the following for their generous financial or in-kind support: